
JavaScript SDK

The Strapi JavaScript SDK simplifies interactions with your Strapi back end, providing a way to fetch, create, update, and delete content. This guide walks you through setting up the JavaScript SDK, configuring authentication, and using its key features effectively.

Getting Started

  • A Strapi project has been created and is running. If you haven't set one up yet, follow the Quick Start Guide to create one.
  • You know the URL of the Content API of your Strapi instance (e.g., http://localhost:1337/api).


To use the JavaScript SDK in your project, install it as a dependency using your preferred package manager:

yarn add @strapi/sdk-js

Basic configuration

To start interacting with your Strapi back end, initialize the JavaScript SDK and set the base API URL:

import { strapi } from '@strapi/sdk-js';

const sdk = strapi({ baseURL: 'http://localhost:1337/api' });

If you're using the JavaScript SDK in a browser environment, you can include it using a <script> tag:

./src/api/[apiName]/routes/[routerName].ts (e.g './src/api/restaurant/routes/restaurant.ts')
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@strapi/sdk-js"></script>

const sdk = strapi.strapi({ baseURL: 'http://localhost:1337/api' });


The JavaScript SDK supports different authentication strategies to access protected resources in your Strapi back end.

If your Strapi instance uses API tokens, configure the JavaScript SDK as follows:

const sdk = strapi({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:1337/api',
auth: 'your-api-token-here',

This allows your requests to include the necessary authentication credentials automatically.

API Reference

The JavaScript SDK provides the following key properties and methods for interacting with your Strapi back end:

baseURLThe base API URL of your Strapi back end.
fetch()A utility method for making generic API requests similar to the native fetch API.
collection()Manages collection-type resources (e.g., blog posts, products).
single()Manages single-type resources (e.g., homepage settings, global configurations).

General purpose fetch

The JavaScript SDK provides access to the underlying JavaScript fetch function to make direct API requests. The request is always relative to the base URL provided during SDK initialization:

const result = await strapiSdk.fetch('articles', { method: 'GET' });

Working with collection types

Collection types in Strapi are entities with multiple entries (e.g., a blog with many posts). The JavaScript SDK provides a collection() method to interact with these resources, with the following methods available:

find(queryParams?)Fetch multiple documents with optional filtering, sorting, or pagination.
findOne(documentID, queryParams?)Retrieve a single document by its unique ID.
create(data, queryParams?)Create a new document in the collection.
update(documentID, data, queryParams?)Update an existing document.
delete(documentID, queryParams?)Update an existing document.

Usage examples:

const articles = sdk.collection('articles');

// Fetch all English articles sorted by title
const allArticles = await articles.find({ locale: 'en', sort: 'title' });

// Fetch a single article by ID
const singleArticle = await articles.findOne('article-document-id');

// Create a new article
const newArticle = await articles.create({ title: 'New Article', content: '...' });

// Update an existing article
const updatedArticle = await articles.update('article-document-id', { title: 'Updated Title' });

// Delete an article
await articles.delete('article-id');

Working with single types

Single types in Strapi represent unique content entries that exist only once (e.g., the homepage settings or site-wide configurations). The JavaScript SDK provides a single() method to interact with these resources, with the following methods available:

find(queryParams?)Fetch the document.
update(documentID, data, queryParams?)Update the document.
delete(queryParams?) Remove the document.

Usage examples:

const homepage = sdk.single('homepage');

// Fetch the default homepage content
const defaultHomepage = await homepage.find();

// Fetch the Spanish version of the homepage
const spanishHomepage = await homepage.find({ locale: 'es' });

// Update the homepage draft content
const updatedHomepage = await homepage.update(
{ title: 'Updated Homepage Title' },
{ status: 'draft' }

// Delete the homepage content
await homepage.delete();
Additional information

More details about the Strapi JavaScript SDK might be found in the package's README.