
Using Strapi built-in plugins


This section is about using Strapi built-in plugins from a developer's perspective. Not what you're looking for? Read the plugins introduction and find your use case and recommended section to read from there.

Built-in plugins

Strapi comes with the following built-in plugins that are officially maintained and documented by the Strapi core team:

The Upload plugin and the Users & Permissions plugin are installed by default and can not be uninstalled.

Automatic plugins discovery

Strapi automatically loads plugins installed with npm. Under the hood, Strapi scans every package.json file of the project dependencies, and looks for the following declaration:

"strapi": {
"kind": "plugin"

Installed plugins can also be manually enabled or disabled.

Manual enabling/disabling of plugins

To disable a plugin without uninstalling it, switch its enabled key to false in the /config/plugins.ts|js file.